This Father And Son’s Relationship Is Quite Special That When His Son Was Gone Missing, He Does Everything To Look For Him

Published on 09/05/2020

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Lee and Michael left behind Tony. There’s no choice for him, but to wait for their update, they see anything that could help them trace and find Samuel. This left Tony in total anxiousness. He couldn’t stay put waiting for the news, especially when he doesn’t know if it’s a bad one or a good one. No one knows what has happened to Samuel, and the thoughts of him being in an accident don’t help him either.

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The Anticipation

Time was ticking, and as it went by, the more Tony felt sick in his stomach. He had no communication with Lee and Michael at that moment since they were up in the sky. He felt bad for not going with them. He was convincing himself that it was only reasonable that he didn’t come because of his fear of heights, and Michael was there to go instead. However, this made him feel more intense and suspenseful. 

The Anticipation